The Declaration of Independence was signed on 4 July 1776. It announced to the world that we were free and separate from Great Britain and was the first founding document of our nation. It is revered in our nation and abroad for its proud declarations of equality and "unalienable rights." It has been cited several times in court rulings in the United States. It is interesting to note that this legal document mentions God four separate times, as the founders declared that HE had endowed men with their rights and as they sought validation from him for their actions. The Declaration reads:
"...the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..."
"...they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..."
"...appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions..."
"...with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence..."
Anyone who claims that we are not a Christian, or at least a religious, nation needs to re-read our Declaration. There is even a subtle nod in the Constitution when it says " the Year of our Lord...". Also, officials of the state to this day swear their oath of office with their hand on the Holy Bible. Not on the Constitution, but on the Word of God.
When you study history, you can see that the term "separation of church and state" has changed vastly over time. The founders never intended that there be no mention of God in state affairs. They were simply assuring that there would not be an official state religion - that people could worship as they please.
God Bless America.