I just finished reading an article about a Swedish family who had their son taken away because they were homeschooling him. If this were Germany, I wouldn't be surprised; but, in Sweden homeschooling is legal. The story is truly shocking. However, this is not an isolated incidence. The Home School Legal Defense Association reports far too many of these cases of government intrusion. Here is the story:
The fight for parental rights is real and scary. The right to choose your child's education is not the only parental right at risk. If this article frightened you, I urge you to check out http://www.parentalrights.org/ and learn about the issues, pending legislation, and what you can do to protect your children from the government.
If you would like to learn more about the specific fight for homeschooling rights, I highly suggest the HSLDA website: http://www.hslda.org/.
These two websites are also in my sidebar under "My Favs".