While I’m in London, I have a goal to see as many churches and cathedrals as possible – at least 10. Today I got to add churches #4 and #5 to my list.
A friend and I were doing an assigned “walk” through St. James and Westminster. On Jermyn road, we found St James’ Church at Piccadilly. It was a lovely Anglican Church which has had much remodeling done since damage in the World War II bombings. I was dismayed to see people rushing through the hall of the church as a shortcut between two streets. The chapel area was lit with candles and people reverently whispered in the aisles. There was a beautiful prayer tree where people hang prayer requests and light candles. I paused by it for a moment to read the requests and write my own for a friend.
[Picture to be added here when internet permits]
I think my favorite part of the walk was our detour to see Westminster Cathedral. This is the largest Roman Catholic Church in London and has stunning architecture and décor. There were many parishioners coming in to pray and worship. The most fantastic feature of the Westminster Cathedral is its approximately 300 foot tall campanile tower. For a small fee, they let us take an elevator to the top. The view of London was breathtaking. I never realized how large this city is. It stretched on for miles with no end in sight. For a tourist on a budget, the campanile tower is far better than the London Eye.
[Picture to be added here when internet permits]
With these two churches added, here is my list so far:
1. St. John’s Chapel in the Tower of London. Small, beautiful simplicity in white stone.
2. Westminster Abbey. Huge, regal. Church of England. A few too many headstones and memorials for my taste.
3. Hyde Park Chapel. Latter-Day Saint. Large, beautiful organ filling the back of the chapel. Possibly the most well-known LDS church in England.
4. St. James Church at Piccadilly. Lovely Anglican Church with a reverent tone. Old church, with a bit of a forgotten feel in a ritzy part of town.
5. Westminster Cathedral. Gorgeous. I believe the largest Roman Catholic Church in London. Beautiful stone and tile work. Campanile tower has a breathtaking view of the city.
6. Salisbury Cathedral. Once the tallest spire in England. Houses one of four original Magna Carta copies existing today and the oldest working medieval clock. (added 12 Jan)
7. Bath Abbey. Built almost on top of the Roman Bath Ruins. (added 12 Jan)
6. Salisbury Cathedral. Once the tallest spire in England. Houses one of four original Magna Carta copies existing today and the oldest working medieval clock. (added 12 Jan)
7. Bath Abbey. Built almost on top of the Roman Bath Ruins. (added 12 Jan)